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    (misc. paper)   

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1888 to 1969 Items 1970 to 1988 Items 1989 to 1992 Items
1888-1969 Items

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1910Ltr1.jpg (108883 bytes) 1910

Notification of Nomination Letter. Signed by O.P. Austin (Sec.) in Ink.  This is an early letterhead on non-watermarked paper. 8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge......   $125

1911Bis1.jpg (187248 bytes) 1911

By ~ Laws of the National Geographic Society... came with the Membership Certificate (shown two items down).  8 ½" x 3 ¾"  folded


Click on Pic to Enlarge....... $85

1911Bis2.jpg (203163 bytes) 1911 (reverse of the above)


Click on Pic to Enlarge  

1911Cer.jpg (108824 bytes) 1911

Membership Certificate..... came as package with By~Laws  8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge....... $95

1915La.jpg (49528 bytes) 1915

Application Blank to send in with dues to join... it came with the nomination letter (below)  6" x 3 ½"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......  Included a one price (below)

1915Let.jpg (227270 bytes) 1915

Notification of Nomination Letter. Signed by O.P. Austin (Sec.) in Ink.  This is an early letterhead on watermarked paper.  8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge  $90

1927Bis1.jpg (220103 bytes) 1927

Privileges and Duties of Members... 8 ½" x 3 ¾"... came with the 4 item package (Certificate, Acceptance letter, and Receipt) 

Click on Pic to Enlarge  $75  (or $200 for all four)

1927Bis2.jpg (241298 bytes) 1927

Reverse side of above

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1927Cer.jpg (84684 bytes) 1927

Membership Certificate...  8 ½" x 11".... came with the 4 item package (Acceptance letter, Duties form, and Receipt)  The embosed seal can be seen at the lower left corner

Click on Pic to Enlarge   $75  (or $200 for all four)

1927Rec.jpg (64045 bytes) 1927

Receipt for Dues (1928).... 8 ½" x 3 ½".... came with the 4 item package (Certificate, Acceptance letter, and Duties form)

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......  $25  (or $200 for all four)

1927Let.jpg (112610 bytes) 1927

Letter of Acceptance.... came with the 4 item package (Certificate, Receipt, and Duties form)  It is on watermarked paper, but is not signed nor was there a salutation.  8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.... $75 (or $200 for all four)

1927Let2.jpg (156425 bytes) 1927

Letter informing the candidate of "designation for membership" by a commissioner of schools.... 8 ½" x 11" ...This came with the membership promotional "Greenland Girl" (1926)

Click on Pic to Enlarge   $65

1927App.jpg (51251 bytes) 1927

Application Blank to send in with dues to join... came with the membership promotional "Greenland Girl" (1926)  7" x 4"

Click on Pic to Enlarge...... $25

1927Let3.jpg (117194 bytes) 1927

This typed letter acknowledging a members dues remittance and had an answer to a request for indexes.  8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge  $65

1932App.jpg (77016 bytes) 1932

An Application Blank to send in with dues to join... 7" x 4" came with a nomination letter (below), both of which accompanied a membership promotional "3 Peasants" (1932).

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1932Let.jpg (206865 bytes) 1932

A Notification of Nomination Letter Signed by O.P. Austin (Sec.) in Ink.  This is on paper with a letterhead and watermark.  8 ½" x 11"

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$60

1947Ndx.jpg (65054 bytes) 1947

A Note that came with the 1947 Supplement to an Index and instruction on it's use for the dates it covered.  9" x 6"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1948PnD.jpg (51258 bytes) 1948

Privileges and Duties of Members... 8 ½" x 5 ½". 6 pages accordion fold. It includes a short resume of the origin and purpose of the Society. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$60


1957Bulletin.jpg (105678 bytes) 1957

National Geographic School Bulletins subscription blank. This was found in a 1957 presentation copy of the "National Geographic and it's Magazine" Index reprint.  8 ½" x 3 ½" (both sides shown as one)

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$20

1962Bell.jpg (142669 bytes) 1962

This Guide has reference to the Grosvenor family gifts to the Museum prompting it's inception. There is also reference to the rich history of Bell's association with Hubbard (founder and 1st Pres. of the National Geographic Society) whose daughter he married.  In time, Bell's son-in-law was made Editor allowing Bell to influence the "popularizing" of the Society work thru photography in the magazine.  Most of the examples of Bell's scientific interests shown in this guide were represented in articles he did for various issues of the National Geographic magazine.  9 ¾" x 6 ½"  16 Pages

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$75

1963Cont.jpg (173009 bytes) 1963

This is a very compact summary of the content of issues in years 1888 to 1907.  It's age, and the comment on it that refers to "issues bound separately in heavy paper" indicates that it was produced as a guide to the 1964 Reprints. 

8 ½" x 3 ½" folded in quarters

Click on Pic to Enlarge...... Sold

1963Phot.jpg (84323 bytes) 1963

This US Gov. Printing Office publication has reference (pg. 7)  to National Geographic Society photographer (Mobley) as having taken the picture in conjunction with the US Capitol Historical Society. There was a great deal of cooperation between Wash. DC institutions and the Government, with the National Geographic Society lending a great deal of  support to our country and to documentation of it's history.  8 ½" x 6"

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$45

1964Indx.jpg (234787 bytes) 1963

Shown is a note of appreciation that was sent with a gift as thanks for the purchase of  the 1947-1963 hardbound magazine index.  The note and this index promotional (shown superimposed) were found in the gift which was a mint 1957 "National Geographic Society and it's Magazine." (see the book section) This book is a reprint of the National Geographic Society stories (cumulative) from all the Society History written in the front of hardbound indexes up to that time. The note is 7 ¼" x 5 ½" unfolded.... the promo is 10" x 6 ½" unfolded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$25

1964Kennedy.jpg (307537 bytes) 1964

This is a Program for the traveling exhibit of an early collection of memorabilia of the recently assassinated President.  The program was produced by the National Geographic Society as a public service.  Items that were in the exhibit were the initial core of a collection for the JFK Library to be built on the banks of the Charles River in Boston.   9" x 5 ½"  11 Pages with an insert of "Selected Milestones of the JFK administration".

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$145

1966Cert.jpg (55664 bytes) 1966

"Welcome to the National Geographic Society".... folder (8 ½" x 11" folded) with Certificate of Membership (8 ½" x 11") and  4 page  letter/layout (8 ½" x 11" folded).  This package welcomed and informed the new member about the Explorers Hall in the National Geographic Society's 78th year. (see also Headquarters items) 

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$65

1966Gift.jpg (85354 bytes) 1966

"Some of the Privileges of Membership" package contains a card to give to a friend to submit (with your recommendation) for membership.  It also includes a sheet with a place to nominate four people and return it in a postpaid envelope. All were sized to fit  in the 7 ½" x 3 ½" envelope.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$25

1966Mbr.jpg (90708 bytes) 1966

This is a member letter (10 ½" x 7 ½" unfolded) with items designed to promote membership, nomination of friends, and products.  

Click on Pic to Enlarge...$25.

1970-1988 Items

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1970Ltr.jpg (68502 bytes) 1970

A National Geographic Society letter to Gilbert Van Vranken (8 ½" x 11") in response to inquiry about selling his fathers collection (see 1911 Certificate above).  This package included dealer names, and a price guide card (6 ¼" x 3 ¼").  I was able to purchase all of the ephemera from this "two person father/son collection" years later.  The orig. 1911 set was unfortunately bound and was sold elsewhere in 1998.  Pencil notes on the price card suggest that Gilbert considered the cost of purchasing back issues to complete the collection which was not done. It would have been a good investment!  The Van Vranken collection of ephemera forms a great picture of Society history and products from 1911 to the 70's.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$35


This folded print of the Sistine Chapel ceiling (26 ¾" x 9 ¼") was for the book "Renaissance" and came in a separate envelope not intended for mailing. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......$55

1970SiS.jpg (124538 bytes)

1978Cert1.jpg (93345 bytes)


Membership Certificate Package shown counter clockwise from the left: Certificate, Portfolio, Publication List and Notices, Publications Promotion and Recommendation Notice, and the 4 page brochure similar to the 1986 New Member Welcome fully pictured below. In it is a graphical story of the National Geographic Society Expeditions.

Click on Pics to Enlarge ....$75

1978Cert2.jpg (84995 bytes)
1978Cert3.jpg (130442 bytes)

1978Cert4.jpg (154400 bytes)

1978Cert5.jpg (145918 bytes)

1978PaP1.jpg (84801 bytes) 1978

A Member Letter from the Papyrus Institute (Cairo, Egypt) details their part in providing a sample of  actual papyrus for the book "Ancient Egypt..." The letter tells of efforts to re-introduce the papyrus plant to Egypt and to find the process of making the paper which was not recorded by the Egyptians. 7 ½" x 10 ½" unfolded.  This was probably part of a promotional mailing for the book.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$35

1978PaP2.jpg (61863 bytes) 1978

Letter (above) reverse side

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1984GHGCardB.jpg (50846 bytes) 1984

"Our First Photographer"  extolling Gilbert H. Grosvenor as photographer and editor of the National Geographic Society from 1899 to 1954. His influence, at the guidance of Alexander Graham Bell, was to show in making the issues popular through photography.  9" x 4 ½" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$25

1984GHGCardA.jpg (135461 bytes) 1984

"Our First Photographer" (reverse)  9" x 9" unfolded

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1984XmasA.jpg (83536 bytes) 1984

Holiday Greetings were elaborate in this package containing a circular disk "National Geographic Society Guide to the Northern Sky", and was surrounded by the fold out pictures (right).   7 ½" x 7 ½"  folded.

              Click on either Pic to Enlarge.....$65

1984Xmas.jpg (104075 bytes)

1986Ben1.jpg (29325 bytes)  


Brochure explaining the Behaim Globe reproduction project which resulted in a long paper "gore" that could (but for lack of pliability) be mounted on a 20" globe.  This brochure and the globe gore (see Globe section) are rather rare.  3 pages... 10 ½" x 5 ¾"  folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$35

1986Ben2.jpg (105146 bytes) 1986

Behaim Globe...inside...Tells the story of the oldest extant globe (1492)

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1986Ben3.jpg (32367 bytes) 1986

Behaim Globe... back...How the gore would apply to a globe when cutout.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1986ltrA.jpg (149937 bytes) 1986

This is a New Member Welcome Letter (4 page folded layout) showing historic Society events and explorations...  8 ½" x 11" folded. (see below)

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$45

1986ltrB.jpg (207646 bytes) 1986

Shown are Americans on Everest, and the 1888 Founding of the National Geographic Society and it's development. (see above and below)

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1986ltrC.jpg (210661 bytes) 1986

Expeditions shown are: Peary (North Pole), Byrd (N. & S. Pole), Explorer II, Bathysphere, and Apollo 11.   (see above and below)

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1986ltrD.jpg (230266 bytes) 1986

Shown are the subjects - Olmec, Machu Picchu, Sharks, Australopithecus, and Explorers Hall (see above)

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1987MyCert.jpg (89182 bytes) 1987

This is my Membership Certificate, requested in 1991, when as a collector, I realized that I did not have one. I have no recollection of receiving it in '87, but it could have been misplaced.  This Certificate came attached to a Benefit Card and is  8 ½" x 6 ½" alone, or 8 ½" x 11" with the card.  (see enclosures below)

Click on Pic to Enlarge  Not to leave my possession

1987MyMail.jpg (123590 bytes) 1987

A New Member Letter and promotional enclosures (circa 1991).

Click on Pic to Enlarge  Not to leave my possession

1987Prices.jpg (161549 bytes) 1987

Shown are back issue prices for uncirculated National Geographic Society archive issues. Ordering in this time period was for mint copies.  8 ½" x 7" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$25

1988StampA.jpg (35402 bytes) 1988

This high quality folded brochure is a First Day of Issue enclosure for Antarctic Explorers Stamps and the story of the four adventurers so honored. (see below). I got this from Roger Nathan.  9" x 6" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$45.

1988StampB.jpg (116249 bytes) 1988

The Explorations were from 1820 to 1928 by Ice, Sea, and Air. 9" x 6" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1988Bookmark.jpg (41016 bytes) 1988

This is a Hologram Bookmark for Members. The Wright Bros. 1903 Flyer biplane is featured.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.... .$25

1989-1992 Items

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1989TVSpecials.jpg (178959 bytes) 1989   (Not In My Collection)

This shows the National Geographic TV Specials for 1990. This Resource Guide included a poster (see poster section for the programs listed). 

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Courtesy of Bob Simpkins)


1989Prices.jpg (162216 bytes) 1989

This shows back issue prices for uncirculated National Geographic Society archive issues. Note the sharp price increase since 1987. 8 ½" x 7" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$20

1989Insider.jpg (153749 bytes) 1989 Insider

This is the June (Vol. 11 #6) 1989 issue of the in-house newsletter. 11½" x 8" folded. Pictured is Karen Cancino. She was Karen Sage when we began cooperating on updating the book list.  She sent this which tells about how she met her future husband while helping him on the phone.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......$35

1990TVSpecials.jpg (123473 bytes) 1990   (Not In My Collection)

This shows the National Geographic TV Specials for 1991. This Resource Guide included a poster (see poster section for the programs listed).

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Courtesy of Bob Simpkins)

1990Dealers.jpg (98032 bytes) 1990

This is the Collector/Dealer List as of 04/90... 8 ½" x 11".  The business card is from the Member Relations person who sent it to me.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1990Foriegn.jpg (89920 bytes) 1990

This is the Foreign Language Publications Representatives List. 2 pages....   8 ½" x 11". (both sides shown)

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$25

1990GeoBee.jpg (79278 bytes) 1990

This is a Geo Bee survey with quiz.  It was designed to be mailed back, and has no indication of it's survey purpose.  6" x 3 ½"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1990GiftNote.jpg (47829 bytes) 1990

This is a Gift Notification Card with addressable envelope pre printed with the National Geographic Society return address..  6 ¼" x 4 ¼"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......$25

1990Invoice.jpg (47796 bytes)  


This is an Invoice for the Traveler Cumulative Index, 1984 to 1988. 8 ½" x 7"

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$15


1990Invoice2.jpg (47765 bytes) 1990

This is an Invoice for the game "On Assignment". 8 ½" x 7"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......$15

1990Ltr.jpg (102759 bytes) 1990

This is a letter from Karen Sage detailing lists we had discussed.  8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1990LtrEd.jpg (94522 bytes) 1990

This is a letter of "thank you" for an Educational Foundation Gift.  It is signed by G.M.G. 8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$25

1990NGvisit.jpg (17738 bytes) 1990

These are business cards from people who gave my Headquarters Tour.

Click on Pic to Enlarge........$10

1990PaulLtr.jpg (101401 bytes) 1990

This is a letter of thank you from Paul Tylor for the gift I sent after his gracious tour of Headquarters.  2 pages... 8 ½" x 11" and envelope.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$25


1990Photog.jpg (102167 bytes) 1990

This is an Invitation to Odyssey Photography Exhibitions at various locations.  6 ¾" x 3 ¾".  This was part of a package of promotionals sent after renewal of a subscription.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$15

1990PriceCards.jpg (61375 bytes) 1990

These are Cards of Notification of price increases for slipcases and the World Magazine.  Each is 6" x 3 ½".

Click on Pic to Enlarge........$10

1990Prices.jpg (126013 bytes) 1990

This is a National Geographic Society archive issues price and availability list.  8 ½" x 14".

Click on Pic to Enlarge.......$15

1990Sticker.jpg (37604 bytes) 1990

This is a Member Decal (1 ¾" x 2 ½")... and mounting card (3 ½" x 7")

Click on Pic to Enlarge..... .$25 

1990PubsA.jpg (143986 bytes) 1990

This is a letter that had additional publications catalogs enclosed. 8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$35 for all 5 items.

1990PubsB.jpg (43928 bytes) 1990

This is the envelope and return envelope for the above.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1990SpKudo.jpg (105565 bytes) 1990

This is a small printed recognition of the National Geographic Society's 25th Anniversary of  Special Publications found in another publication.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$15

1990Xmas.jpg (127790 bytes) 1990

This is a Christmas Greeting with ornament. 5 ¼" x 5 ¼"  folded. It was from Paul Tylor (VP)

Click on Pic to Enlarge.... .$35

1990XmasNews.jpg (83767 bytes) 1990

This is a newspaper account about an error in the early versions of the above Globe ornament.  

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$10.... I have the corrected globe with card and all from the NGS (similar to above).... .$25

1991TVSpecials.jpg (162436 bytes) 1991 (Not In My Collection)

This shows the National Geographic TV Specials for 1991-92. It includes a Resource guide and poster (see the poster section for the programs). 

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Courtesy of Bob Simpkins)


1991DealerKaren.jpg (39607 bytes) 1991

This is a letter from Karen Sage with information about dealer status. 8 ½" x 11". 

Click on Pic to Enlarge  Not to leave my possession  

1991Dealers.jpg (80152 bytes) 1991

This is a Dealers List as of Jan 1991.

Click on Pic to Enlarge   Not to leave my possession

1991Dealers2.jpg (139173 bytes) 1991

This is a Dealers List as of July 1991.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$15

1991Editor.jpg (28124 bytes) 1991

This is a note from the Editor acknowledging a suggestion. 5 ½" x 3 ½"

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$15

1991GeoWrap.jpg (83957 bytes) 1991

This is a prototype sheet of the packaging for a gift wrap product to be made from surplus maps in the National Geographic Society archives.  The sheet is large, only a portion is shown here.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$35

1991Insider.jpg (122407 bytes) 1991

This is an April 1991 Insider. 11 ¼" x 8 ¼"

Click on Pic to Enlarge...,$30

1991Invoice.jpg (36014 bytes) 1991

This is an invoice for a Magazine I purchased to replace one signed by Roger Nathan.  The date shown for the magazine is incorrect, it should be  March 1989, the date of the issue that has Roger and his collection featured. 8 ½" x 7"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$10

1991Invoice2.jpg (53677 bytes) 1991

This is an invoice for the Research and Exploration Subscription.  8 ½" x 7"

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$10

1991LtrKaren.jpg (171512 bytes) 1991

This is a letter from Karen Sage about the story of the "Columbus Supplemental" and it's rarity.  8 ½" x 11". At the bottom are my return comments to her questions. (see rare and misc. section for the supplemental).   

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$45

1991LtrMug.jpg (31180 bytes) 1991

This is a note from Karen Sage with information about dealer status and a Mug collectible.  8 ½" x 11".  (see rare and misc. section to view the Mug)

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$10

1991Note.jpg (18204 bytes) 1991

This is a National Geographic Society Note Card (unused) which is the earliest example that I can find of a Society Product made with the notation "Recycled".

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$15

1991Research.jpg (48212 bytes) 1991

This is a Research and Exploration back copies availability list. It was sent to me with a list of subjects covered by this publication from 1985 to 1990. (see Research and Exploration section).

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$20

1991Xmas.jpg (74157 bytes) 1991

This is a Christmas Greeting with an ornament from Paul Tylor.  7 ½" x 5 ½"... folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$20

1991XmasCardA.jpg (87475 bytes) 1991

This is a Christmas Card from Bob Simpkins.  7 ½" x 5 ½"... folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge      Not to leave my possession  

1991Xmas2.jpg (18430 bytes) 1991

This is an alternate version of Christmas Ornament and is not dated, but has a 1991 date on the card to which it is attached.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.... $20

1991XmasCard.jpg (18302 bytes) 1991

This card reads Season's Greetings to "Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tylor" from "Victor"... 6" x 4" folded. It was passed to me by Paul in return for golf collectibles (see the letter below). 

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$5

1991XmasF.jpg (98533 bytes) 1991

This is a Christmas Card from Roger Nathan w/ mailing envelope.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....$30

1992TVSpecials.jpg (116334 bytes) 1992  (Not In My Collection)

Shown are National Geographic TV Specials for 1992-93.  This poster replaced the resource guides of previous years.  The four TV programs were "Mysteries Underground", "Keepers of the Wild", "Survivors of the Skeleton Coast", and "Lost Kingdom of the Maya". (see poster section)

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Courtesy of Bob Simpkins)

1992BookList.jpg (92015 bytes) 1992

This is a Book List from Karen Sage during our correspondence about it's updates. 8 ½" x 11". 

Click on Pic to Enlarge......Not to leave my possession  

1992GiftCard.jpg (31313 bytes) 1992

This is a Gift Notification Card with addressable envelope using a pre printed National Geographic Society return address..  6 ¼" x 4 ¼"

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$10

1992InvNdx.jpg (88097 bytes) 1992

This is an invoice for the 1889 - 1991 supplement to the 100 year Index. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$10

1992LTR.jpg (58376 bytes) 1992

This is a Note of thank you from Paul Tylor for an old golf club.  8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$20

1992LtrMine.jpg (157826 bytes) 1992

This is my letter to Paul Tylor suggesting a new feature in magazines. Paul referred it to the editor. 2 pages, each 8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge....Not to leave my possession  

1992LtrResponse.jpg (65044 bytes) 1992

This is a letter of response to the suggestion (above) from the comments coordinator... 8 ½" x 11".  Even though the response was negative, the feature "Flashback" was inaugurated in Aug. 1995 and was close to this idea.  It features archive photography from early projects of the National Geographic Society.  

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$40

1992Prices.jpg (137902 bytes) 1992

This is a July 1992 National Geographic Society archive back issue price and availability list. 8 ½" x 14". 

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$10

1992Research.jpg (41322 bytes) 1992

This is a Research and Exploration subscription invoice and letter urging the evaluation of new improvements to come. This scientific publication was to end in 1994 after less than 10 years at press. (see Research & Exploration section).

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$10

1992Retire.jpg (22025 bytes) 1992

This is an invitation to a retirement reception. 6 ¼" x 4 ½"  It was received from Paul Tylor.  ncludes hand wriiite note and the mailing envelope.

Click on Pic to Enlarge......$40

1992XmasCard.jpg (75618 bytes) 1992

This is a Christmas Card and ornament for 1992... 7 ½" x 5 ½" folded.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.....$40

1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER          EMail Me

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